Monday, July 26, 2010


I Don't Get It...


He's too big for something, or he is pretending/wants to be a human


A day in the life of a hunch-back lolly-gagger who has a messy room, over-bearing parents stuck in a different time and has loser friends.


Bumstead wants a nap, but can't find the time to do it between eating and being late for work


Someone either is miserable with their life or someone gets food on them

Hagar the Horrible:

An incopentant commander with an even more incompetant sidekick. They all wear funny hats.

Family Circus:

This comic revolves around a bunch of kids who are either adorably naive, or incredibly stupid. It probably has something to do with religion tucked in there too.

Hi and Lois:

November to March: the kids dream about summer activities while being stuck in the house for some reason
March to October: the kids dream about summer activities while being stuck in the house for some reason (the little one does something cute)


Cooper hates his job and does anything to avoid his duties that to this day remain unknown. He also tries to hook up with girls, and like all cliche' comics, fails.

Beetle Bailey:

See Hagar the Horrible.

Shermans Lagoon:

A bunch of sea creatures the bite humans and think its funny. For some reason the turtle can read.

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